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Suggestions(ed) clan options

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Batgirl, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. Batgirl

    Batgirl Lieutenant Colonel (19) Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    Pictures will be provided

    Clan Wars: out of few modes one will be selected. Each clan will play that mode if desired to get ranked for rewards like xp for clan usage (see clan level system). Ranks will be determined by how many matches are won in that mode. Clan needs # of members to participate.

    Clan chat: duh

    Clan unlocks: shows all unlocked items.

    Clan market: let's u buy bonuses like xp boost which multiplies your xp earnings per match, special weapons (flamethrower).

    Clan tourneys ("eSports" rules): same as before (choose your best members to represent your clan, etc) by the map is chosen by CPU. After the map is chosen players may choose the own loadout of 30 weapons which are unlocked by their clan not the player. 10 weapons are given at beginning of the match. Supply drops drops at when 3 weapons are left and adds additional 5 random weapons from loadout. Each candidate will verse every opponent and the most victories will determine which clan will advance to the next stage. Clan needs # of members to participate. No items allowed and a restriction of future perks, abilities, etc.

    Clan level system: just like individual players , each clan will have their own weapons to be used for tourneys. Leveling up will unlock new weapons, coins to purchase items in market, and even clan backgrounds.

    Clan trophy case: sounds self-explanatory

    Opened for critics so u can help Kyle specify down to which ideas are goals for sssl.

    Edit: instead of 30 weapons u have 30 points. each weapon cost an amount of points. The better the damage the more points it requires. After the players uses up all the weapons a supply drop will drop giving 10 randomly weapons not only from the loadout.

    Last edited: Aug 19, 2015
    Holy2334 likes this.
  2. Piroutcha

    Piroutcha Private E-1 (2) Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    not sure about the choose your own wep thing, won't most peeps go dual needler or heavy napalm?
  3. Holy2334

    Holy2334 Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I would just pick shots and pingers personally. Because pro mode.
    RumMumMario likes this.
  4. RumMumMario

    RumMumMario Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    I don't think having clan exclusive unlocks or rewards is a good idea. Some people don't want to be part of clans and they'd feel forced to be in one for the sake of unlocks. It should be completely just for fun unless the rewards give you something that represents your clan, like DH logo tattoo'd on your tank or something.

    On the other hand, general tournaments (not clan tourneys) could have their exclusive unlocks and after the tourney ends people can pay to buy those things. That'll be a great addition if you ask me.

    Clan levels shouldn't really exist in my opinion. Just win:loss ratio on their clan profile is good enough.
  5. Batgirl

    Batgirl Lieutenant Colonel (19) Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    Yea something for use for the clan And everything unlocked is for the clan except maybe for xp boost. And like Kyle said there will be no pay to win

    The map will be automatically picked so if a map has tall spikes would u use needler.

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