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Local Multiplayer: support for all-at-once and player level independent of single player

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Ludewich, May 26, 2019.

  1. Ludewich

    Ludewich New Born (1) Member

    May 13, 2019
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    thanks for the great game! I have bought it as party game where we play with many players locally via steamlink.

    However, for local multiplayers, I am missing support for the cool feature to let all players fire at once. Especially with 4 players, you have to wait a long time for your turns -- and the simultaneous mode is a great solution.

    By the way: Thanks to support 8 players with just four (or less) controllers! that is great since a steamlink only supports up to 4 controllers (a pity since I have 6 at hand!). The suggestion with "fire all at once" is, of course, only useful if you have as many individual controllers (or keyboard configurations?) as players.

    I would also appreciate it if you could decouple the local multiplayer from the character development. Why do I as host need to gain lots of experience just that my guests get access to all funny weapons? My suggestion is: let me choose the player level individually for each slot, independent of whether it is an AI or a player.

    Thanks for listening!
  2. Bobberson

    Bobberson New Born (1) Member

    May 25, 2019
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